Birthday Quotes For Friends – Happy Birthday Wishes Messages
Someone said “the greatest gift of life is friendship”, you can show your friends you care about them with best happy birthday friend wishes. If you are fortunate enough to have a good friend or a best friend, then you have a bond with another person that is truly unique and special. Friends are important because one will often find that you need other people surrounding you to get through life. you can send these Happy Birthday Quotes For Friends and celebrate their awesomeness with all your heart.
Happy Birthday Quotes For Friends

Also Read: Happy Birthday SMS For Friend, Family and Relatives
A friend is someone who always has your back, no matter what. Happy birthday friend, i have yours.
Finding someone perfect isn’t friendship, embracing their imperfections and still being their friend is one. Happy birthday dear.
My birthday wish for you: I hope you never stop enjoying the small things in life. Because that’s what makes life worth living. I hope you take time to enjoy the present while working for a better future. I hope your year is full of memories, happiness, and adventure.
Best friends are the friends who keep your embarrassing secrets private. Thank you for always keeping my less than proud moments under wraps.
Happy Birthday Wishes Messages

Also Read: Happy Birthday Messages For Birthday Cards
Hey it’s your birthday and I just wanted to let you know that you’ll never have to face a problem alone. I may not be able to solve every problem but I’ll always be here for you when you need me.
When I think back to all the things we’ve been through, I’m so thankful that I got to go through everything with you by my side. Happy birthday to my best friend who never let me go it alone.
Hey you! It’s your birthday! Cake! Candles! Drinks! Presents! More drinks! Can you tell I’m excited?
I love it when it’s your birthday, because it means we have a great excuse to go out and have some fun! Let’s go celebrate!
Happy Birthday Images

It’s your birthday, but let’s not focus on the number of years gone by. Let’s look forward to the years to come! I’m planning on having a lot of fun in the coming years with my best friend!
Hey! It’s your birthday. Which means it’s time to put on that crown. You are a queen today and we are your loyal subjects. What mischief would her majesty like to get into?
Whenever you feel down or think just can’t do something, just imagine me giving you a gigantic high five with a ridiculous look on my face. That should help. In the meantime though, happy birthday.
Best friends must walk a fine line between stopping their friend from making big bad decisions and encouraging them to make small bad decisions that are a lot of fun. And no one does it better than my partner in crime.
These are few of the best Happy Birthday Quotes For Friends which you can share with them on their birthday. You can share these happy birthday cards through whatsapp or facebook. you wish to greet someone special, just mention their name in the comment section and will try to mention special birthday wishes to him/her.